Few days back I wanted to see this movie, though I have seen it before but wanted to see it again, and for a few seconds I was thinking about it but then the thought vanished from my mind. And today lo behold…one of my colleagues said “Have you watched Contact?” ……what??.. a Coincidence? I was thinking about it a few days back, fortunately he had the movie!
Then it just came into mind – click..Was it really a coincidence? Was my thought sent out to the universe? And somebody just picked it up??
How many times have you said to a friend, that's weird, I was just thinking the same thing or I was just going to call you.
Definition of a Coincidence from wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn:
“An event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental”
A quote from Deepak Chopra:
Seekers are offered clues all the time from the world of spirit. Ordinary people call these clues coincidences".
Instead of saying well its a coincidence!, stop and think back.. What if you followed these clues throughout your life? Just stop and think!You never know what you may find...
So...Do you believe in Coincidences?