Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dedicated to Woman

This is a nice poem I found on the internet.
Indeed I still struggle
Swimming upstream with might
Never giving up on what I care for
Because a strong woman, I am

You might use your jagged tongue
To tear me down for what I do
You are so cruel and judgmental
Is it my strength that bothers you?
Instead of wheeling and dealing,
Writing poems and stories, too
You think I should stop it all
Does my independence bother you?
I am who I am, not just anyone to fit in
I refuse to fit the mold and take the easy route
Tenacity and endurance is what I hold
Because a strong woman, I am
~ Ana Monnar
Love this song!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs never felt so good all this time!.
Its after a long time I’m having scrambled eggs in the morning. I used to think that mixing all the food together and eating is tastier. But one of my colleagues mentioned sometime back that if you eat it separately you get the distinct flavor of each food item rather than mixing your food.
I realized it after having my scrambled eggs today morning. So distinct in flavor. Yumm.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Phoenix Rising - From Concept to Reality

"Phoenix, a mythical bird of great beauty and power, flies far ahead, always scanning the landscape and distant space. The bird is the symbol of high virtue and grace, of power and prosperity. It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end, the re-birth of a powerful energetic Phoenix arises, heralding a prosperous tomorrow."

From Concept to Reality

As we were preparing for the year end party, this time it was special, since there was a name change going on. Named as "The Blaze", had to be special than any other event hosted in the company. The unveiling of the new logo of the company was the main highlight of the event. We coordinated with a group of dancers who gave us 4 acts for the event. One of the acts was the name change dance act. Rambling with what kind of dance act we should have for the name change, its just struck to me in the middle of the night ..'Phoenix Rising'. I'm a real sci-fi tv/movie fan and I have seen many concepts, and the Phoenix Rising just struck a  cord with me, though I can't remember where I have seen it, but knew I had seen it one of the sci-fi movies or tv series and found out I had seen it on Eureka! As my friend and I planned for the special dance act with the theme Phoenix Rising, I had the great opportunity to come out with a soundtrack for the act. And what better way to use soundtracks from the movies!

Below is the composition of the soundtrack consisting themes from 5 Movies: Avatar, National Treasure, Chronicles of Narnia , The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Lord of the Rings.
Here's the soundtrack for your listening pleasure. 

'Phoenix Rising' finally became a reality on the 20th of December 2011. To see a concept come alive was truly amazing!
Dance act for the Phoenix Rising